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The Transport Education Training Authority (TETA) – Bursary 2024

Closing Date: 23 September 2023

The Transport Education Training Authority (TETA): Bursary 2024

The Transport Education Training Authority (TETA) invites South African students to apply for the 2024 Bursary Programme.

Fields of study:

Bursaries will be awarded for studies within the following fields:

  • Aeronautical Engineering (B Degree/ BSc)
  • Accounting (BCom)
  • Operations Management (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B Degree/ Honours Degree)
  • Risk Management (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B Degree)
  • Road Transport Management (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B Degree)
  • Supply Chain Management (including Warehouse, Storage and Distribution) (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B Degree)
  • Law (B Degree)
  • Logistics Management (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B Degree)
  • Data Sciences (BSc)
  • Transport Economics (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B degree)
  • Transportation Management (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B degree)
  • Electrical Engineering (National Diploma/ B Degree/ N4-N6)
  • Electronic Engineering (National Diploma/ B Degree/ N4-N6)
  • Mechanical Engineering (National Diploma/ B Degree/ N4-N6)
  • Financial Management (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B Degree)
  • ATPL (Hour Building) – (Bachelor of Honours Degree/Postgraduate Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree)
  • Business Administration (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B Degree)
  • Commercial Divers (Class II/ III/ IV)
  • Commercial Pilot License
  • CPL with ATPL Subjects (Frozen ATPL)
  • Doctoral Degree (PhD) (Research topics Relevant to the transport sector)
  • Health and Safety Management (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B Degree)
  • Information and Communication Technology (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B Degree BSc)
  • Instructor’s Rating
  • Instrument Rating
  • Marine Engineering (B Degree)
  • Maritime Law (B Degree)
  • Maritime/ Nautical Studies (National Diploma/ B-Tech/ Advanced Diploma/ B Degree)
  • Master’s Degree (Research topics Relevant to the transport sector)
  • Private Pilot License

The bursary will provide cover for the following expenses:

  • Tuition fees,
  • Books,
  • Accommodation (on or off campus),
  • Meals and transport (where applicable).


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • You must be currently unemployed
  • You must be currently in Matric or have completed Matric
  • You must be studying or intend on studying towards a qualifications in one of the fields listed above, in 2024
  • You must be registered or intend to register to study at a TVET College, Public/ Private accredited University, accredited Diving School or Flying School
  • You must have passed with a minimum overall average of 50%
  • You must be from a previously disadvantaged background
  • You must have a total household income NOT more than R350 000 per annum

Please note:

  • Commercial Diving class II, III and IV applicants: you must have completed Matric
  • Commercial Pilot License applicants: you must have a valid Private Pilot License (PPL)
  • Instructor’s or Instrument Rating applicants: you must have a valid Commercial Pilot License (CPL)
  • ATPL applicants: you must have a valid Commercial Pilot License (CPL), Instructor’s and Instrument rating
  • Commercial Diving applicants: you must be able to swim

How to Apply

NB. Before applying please download and read the TETA Bursary Guidelines (.pdf)

Applications can be submitted online at: TETA Bursary Application 2024  (Applicants will be required to register an account before they can login and apply.)

Required Documents:

Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your bursary application:

For Matric students (entering 1st year in 2024):

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Grade 11 or Matric Statement of Results (certified copy)
  • Proof of application or acceptance to study at an approved institution (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians ID documents or death certificate if deceased (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians proof of household income (payslips if employed: certified copies/ affidavit if unemployed/ proof of SASSA or pension grant if applicable: certified copies)
  • Affidavit confirming the applicants employment status (certified copy)

For Undergraduate and Postgraduate students:

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Highest qualification completed or official results (if applying for 2nd, 3rd or 4th year) (certified copy)
  • Proof of application, registration or acceptance to study at an approved institution (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians ID documents or death certificate if deceased (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians proof of household income (payslips if employed: certified copies/ affidavit if unemployed/ proof of SASSA or pension grant if applicable: certified copies)
  • Affidavit confirming the applicants employment status (certified copy)
  • Quotations for tuition fees, accommodation, if applicable (certified copy)
  • Financial Statement indicating the balance of the learner’s account (certified copy)

For TVET students:

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Matric certificate (certified copy)
  • Proof of application or acceptance to study at a TVET college (certified copy)
  • Proof of registration to study at a TVET college, if applicable (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians ID documents or death certificate if deceased (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians proof of household income (payslips if employed: certified copies/ affidavit if unemployed/ proof of SASSA or pension grant if applicable: certified copies)
  • Affidavit confirming the applicants employment status (certified copy)

For Pilot Training (Commercial Pilot License/ Instrument Rating/ Instructors Rating/ CPL with ATPL Subjects/ ATPL Hour Building) students:

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Matric Statement of Results or certificate (certified copy)
  • Pilot Training (Commercial Pilot License): valid Private Pilot License (certified copy)
  • Pilot Training (Instrument Rating): valid Commercial Pilot License (certified copy)
  • Pilot Training (Instructors Rating): valid Commercial Pilot License with Instrument Rating endorsement (certified copy)
  • Pilot Training (CPL with ATPL Subjects): valid Commercial Pilot License with Instrument and Instructors Rating endorsement (certified copy)
  • Pilot Training (ATPL Hour Building): valid Commercial Pilot License with Instrument, Instructors Rating and ATPL Subjects endorsement
  • Parents or guardians ID documents or death certificate if deceased (certified copy)
  • Proof of acceptance or registration to study at an Aviation school (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians proof of household income (payslips if employed: certified copies/ affidavit if unemployed/ proof of SASSA or pension grant if applicable: certified copies)
  • Affidavit confirming the applicants employment status (certified copy)
  • Quotations for training costs

For Commercial Diving students:

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Highest qualification completed (certified copy)
  • Proof of application or acceptance to an accredited Diving School (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians ID documents or death certificate if deceased (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians proof of household income (payslips if employed: certified copies/ affidavit if unemployed/ proof of SASSA or pension grant if applicable: certified copies)
  • Affidavit confirming the applicants employment status (certified copy)
  • Quotations for training costs, equipment etc
  • Medical Examination Results
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