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Sugar Industry Trust Fund For Education (SITFE): Bursary 2024

Closing Date: 12 January 2024

Sugar Industry Trust Fund For Education (SITFE): Bursaries 2024

SITFE has shifted its strategy to providing bursaries to missing middle candidates (Household income of R350 000 – R600 000). Qualifying students are encouraged to apply for the bursary.

Who Can Apply?

  • Residents from the sugarcane growing provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga.
  • Must have applied in the Faculties of Science, Engineering or Agriculture at a University, University of Technology or College of Agriculture.
  • The child of a sugarcane farm worker may register or apply for Any field of study at a University, University of Technology or College of Agriculture.
  • Applicants must be South African citizens.

Where To Study?

  • Applicants may register at any public University, University of Technology or College in South Africa.

How to Apply

Download the Bursary Application Form

Email the application form to: bursaries@sasa.org.za


Apply Online at: SITFE: Bursary Application Form 2024


Post your application form to:

Sugar Industry Trust Fund for Education c/o South African Sugar Association

P O Box 700

Mount Edgecombe


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