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Sasol: Bursaries 2025

Closing Date: 30 August 2024

Sasol: Bursaries 2025

Sasol is inviting students to apply for the Sasol Foundation Bursary programme, for the 2025 academic year.

Bursaries will be awarded in 2 categories, namely:

1) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) bursaries

These bursaries are for individuals who are planning to study full-time towards an undergraduate degree to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers. Priority will be given to degree studies that are in line with future capabilities (Green Economy and Digitalisation), which include disciplines such as Engineering, Information Technology, Data Sciences, Agricultural Science, Environmental Sciences, Medical Sciences and Construction & Manufacturing among others.  No Postgraduate bursaries will be offered for 2025 academic year.

2) Non-STEM bursaries

These bursaries are reserved only for qualifying students from Sasol’s fence line communities (municipalities / districts around Sasol plants / operations) Or children of Sasol Khanyisa shareholders Or children of Sasol employees, wishing to study towards Any non-STEM qualifications. No postgraduate bursaries will be offered for 2025 academic year.

Bursary recipients will be selected based on the following main criteria:

  • Academic performance,
  • Household Income,
  • Acceptance to University/ University of Technology
  • South African citizenship.

The bursary will cover for the following expenses:

  • Registration fees,
  • Tuition fees,
  • Book allowance,
  • Accommodation allowance,
  • Meal allowance,
  • Once-off computer and calculator allowance
  • Amonthly stipend.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying: 

Requirements for STEM Bursaries:

  • You must be a South African citizen (by birth only)
  • You must be under 25 years old
  • You must be currently in Matric or have completed Matric within the past year
  • You must be studying or intend on studying full time towards an undergraduate degree, within one of the fields listed above, in 2025
  • You must be studying or acceptd / provisionally accepted to study at a public University or University of Technology in South Africa
  • BEng / BSc Eng / BSc students: you must have achieved the following results:
  1. a minimum of Level 6 (70%) for Mathematics and Physical Science
  2. a minimum of Level 5 (60%) for English First Additional Language or English Home Language or English Second Additional Language
  • BEng Tech students: you must have achieved the following results:
  1. a minimum of Level 5 (60%) for Mathematics and Physical Science
  2. a minimum of Level 5 (60%) for English First Additional Language or English Home Language
  3. a minimum of Level 5 (50%) for English Second Additional Language
  • If currently studying (University):
  1. You must have achieved a minimum average of 60% for all modules
  2. You must not have failed any modules in the previous study year
  • You must comply with university requirements for registration for the 2025 academic year
  • Preference will be given to students who pursue degree studies that are in line with future capabilities (Green Economy and Digitalisation)
  • You must have a combined household income of less than R600 000 per annum

Requirements for Non-STEM Bursary:

  • You must be a South African citizen (by birth only)
  • You must be under 25 years old
  • You must be from Sasol’s fence line communities (municipalities / districts around Sasol plants / operations); or a child of a Sasol Khanyisa shareholder; or a child of a Sasol employee
  • You must be currently in Matric or have completed Matric within the past year
  • You must be studying or intend on studying full time towards an undergraduate degree in any Non-STEM field, in 2025
  • You must be studying or accepted / provisionally accepted to study at a public University or University of Technology in South Africa
  • If currently studying (University):
  1. You must have achieved a minimum average of 60% for all modules
  2. You must not have failed any modules in the previous study year
  • You must comply with university requirements for registration for the 2025 academic year
  • You must have a combined household income of less than R600 000 per annum

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted online by following these steps:

NEW USERS (who have not previously registered on the Sasol Bursary website), must follow these steps to apply:

  • 1) Register on the Sasol Bursaries platform by filling in all the required information.
  • 2) You will receive a email to activate your account – click on “Activate Account”.
  • 3) You will then be directed to a screen to verify your email address and to create a password.
  • 4) After verifying your email and creating a password, you will be directed to the Login page
  • 5) Fill in your email address and password to login.
  • 6) Click on “South African Bursary Application” in the top left corner.
  • 7) Click on “Undergraduate Applications”.
  • 8) Fill in all the required information – do not leave any fields blank.
  • 9) Read and accept the disclaimer (the white button should turn blue).
  • 10) You will then receive an email response on your application – once you receive the email, you may close the application.

Applicants who have PREVIOUSLY REGISETERED on the Sasol Bursary website, may continue their application by Logging in

Applicants who have PREVIOUSLY REGISETERED on the Sasol Bursary website but have forgotten their password, may click on the Forgot Password – you will then receive an email to reset your password, after receiving your new password, you may continue your application from step 5 above.

Required Documents:

Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation on your online application:

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Grade 11 final results, if currently in Matric (certified copy)
  • Matric certificate, if completed Matric (certified copy)
  • Year end results of most recent year completed, if currently studying (certified copy)
  • Proof of acceptance or provisional acceptance to a University or University of Technology (on institutions letterhead)
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