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Harmony Gold Mining – Bursary2024

Closing Date: 30 September 2023

Harmony Gold Mining: Bursaries 2024

Harmony is looking to award bursaries to top-performing students in their 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of studies in 2024.

The objective of the Harmony Gold Bursary Scheme is to recruit and select bursars preferably from communities surrounding our operations for full time study at accredited Tertiary Institutions.

The Bursary Scheme accommodates students entering or already at Tertiary Institutions.

Fields of study:

Bursaries will be offered for the fields of study:

  • Mining engineering,
  • Extractive metallurgy,
  • Geology,
  • Survey,
  • Rock Engineering,
  • Electrical Engineering (heavy current ONLY),
  • Mechanical Engineering 
  • Finance,
  • Accounting,
  • Human Resources
  • Social Sciences,
  • Health Sciences,
  • Information Technology.


  • Applicants must be between 18 and 35 years of age
  • A valid South African identity document (SA Citizen)
  • A National Senior Certificate, having passed all subjects with 60% and above.
  • Students planning to study in the Engineering field, must have a minimum of 70% for Mathematics & Physical Science
  • Students already at tertiary institutions must have obtained an average of 60% and above in all major subjects. Current year results, must be attached
  • Must be studying or plan to study on a full-time basis
  • Brief Curriculum Vitae (max 3 pages)

In making the final selection, preference will be given to:

  • Core mining fields of studies
  • Applicants from Harmony host communities
  • Applicants from Harmony labour sending areas
  • Dependents of Harmony employees
  • Historically disadvantaged persons

NB. A Harmony bursary is only applicable to full-time studies at accredited university institutions in South Africa and not TVET Colleges.

How to Apply

Download Bursary Application Form

NB. Harmony will only consider students having an acceptance letter from the tertiary institution that they can enroll for their 1st year of studies and who can verify that they are in their 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of studies.

To apply, please download and complete the form and email it to bursaryscheme@harmony.co.za

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