Closing Date: 15 February 2024
FASSET: Bursaries for 2024
FASSET is inviting students to apply for their bursary programme, for the 2024 academic year. Bursaries will be awarded up to a capped amount – up to R100 000 for University/University of Technology studies, and up to R40 000 for TVET studies.
Bursaries will be awarded to unemployed students, for studies within these fields:
University and University of Technology studies:
- Actuarial Sciences
- Accounting Sciences
- Auditing
- Economic Management Sciences
- IT related qualifications
- Taxation
TVET College studies:
- Business Studies streams
- IT – related qualifications
What the bursary covers:
The bursary will provide cover for the following expenses:
- Tuition fees,
- Textbooks,
- Accommodation
- Learner allowances/ meal allowance.
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:
- You must be unemployed
- You must have completed Matric
- You must be studying or intend on studying towards a qualification within one of the fields of study listed above, in 2024
- You must be studying or registered to study at Public University, University of Technology or TVET College in South Africa
- You must have a total household income of NOT more than R660 000 per annum
How to Apply
Download and complete the relevant application form:
FASSET Bursary Application 2024 (University and University of Technology students) (.docx)
FASSET Bursary Application 2024 (TVET College students) (.docx)
Required Documents:
Submit clear copies of the following supporting documents along with your completed application form:
- ID document (certified copy) (not older than 6 months)
- Highest Qualification & Academic record (certified copy)
- Proof of registration and acceptance at an approved tertiary institution (stamped/signed)
- Parents or guardians ID documents (certified copies)
- Parents or guardians proof of household income (latest payslips if employed, affidavit if unemployed, proof of pension or grant if applicable)
- Proof of address
- Completed FASSET 2024 Unemployment Declaration Letter (.docx)
Applications must be submitted via email to:
For University and University of Technology students:
For TVET College students:
Insert the words “FASSET Bursary 2024” in the email subject line).