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Amazon – Bursary 2024

Closing Date: 10 September 2023

Amazon is inviting students to apply for the Amazon (Software Development Engineer) Recruitment Bursary, for the 2024 academic year.

Amazon Bursary Programme 2024

Bursaries will be awarded for studies within these degree programmes (Undergraduate and Honours):

  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Software Engineering

The Amazon SDE Recruitment Bursary was launched by Amazon Development Centre in 2018, with the aim of providing funding for students from previously disadvantaged backgrounds, to further their studies.

The bursary will provide cover for the following expenses, up to a capped amount: tuition fees, stationery, books, personal computer, accommodation in residence or private accommodation, transport and general living expenses.

Bursary recipients will also partake in a paid Amazon internship programme (during summer vacation), which will allow the company to assess students for potential full-time permanent employment in the role of Software Development Engineer (SDE), after graduation.

The internship will allow for candidates to demonstrate their skills and add real value through the ownership and delivery of an impactful project that is essential to their customers. Interns will engage and learn from other Amazonians, as well as expand their network, and have access to training opportunities and social events for personal and professional development.

Bursary recipients may be required to work for Amazon after graduation (if a position is available), for the equal duration of funding received.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • You must have completed Matric
  • You must be studying towards a degree qualification in one of the fields listed above
  • You must be entering your final year of study towards a 3 or 4 year Undergraduate degree
  • You must continue studying towards an Honours degree in 2025, after completing the Amazon internship
  • You must have achieved and maintained a minimum overall of 65%
  • You must be studying at a recognised and accredited university in South Africa
  • You must be interested in software development engineering and in pursuing a career at Amazon
  • You must be willing to join the Amazon internship programme, during summer vacation

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted online at: Amazon Bursary Application 2024

Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your online application (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified):

  • South African ID document (certified copy)
  • Matric certificate (certified copy)
  • Full academic record/ transcripts (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians proof of income (latest payslips or letter from employer if employed, latest financial statements if self-employed, affidavit if unemployed) (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians death certificates, if deceased (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians divorce certificate, if divorced (certified copy)
  • Parents or guardians sworn statement, if separated (certified copy)
  • Profile picture
  • Proof of address (certified copy)
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